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  • Evolution and Blood

    So today in Biology lab we decoded the awesome genes that make up our blood. Turns out that we do need math in everything -_-. Anyway, it was interesting; our professor gave us for home, a website where we can practice in giving the right blood type to a patient depending on the tests performed as they're dying...O_O. It's  pretty fun but complicated if you zilch about blood antigens.

    So that's that...

    Ooh talking about blood, I am sure there are many that watch Dexter on showtime. That show is so awesome...but apparently from what I hear the 5th season wasn't as hot as the other 4 seasons. I missed the 5th season because I was up in Disney World doing my internship...blah. If you ever have to take a lab in college for some reason don't take a physics lab or a chem lab if you're not a science major...take Bio lab, it's far more fun and more connected to everything else in your life...and if you mostly have to take a science credit...take Environmental Science, you'll be open to all the reasons why governments sometimes say no to great ideas...or why The United States is hated by many other countries and why we can't switch to all these fantastic sources of renewable energies. It's awesome but sad at the same time.

    Well, if there are any science majors out there that can contribute, let me know.



    1. Zander said...:

      That's cool. I love biology! Morning coffee'd, my bro!

    1. ZageGuy said...:

      haha awesome! i'll be talking about awesome topics and Env Science too. Thanks Zander.

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