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  • The Oatmeal comics are here!

    Not to offend anyone, of course, just a nice laugh. Not everyone who buys an apple is like this...are you? Share your stories and perhaps change my mind. Enjoy the Comic.

    zageguy's photostream

    Swing Away.Before.Stock.Cell Farm.Tower.Emonic.
    Wishes!Prairie.Nature in NYC.Sorcery in the Sky.American Coach.SMPL.
    Luis.Alhambra Lake & Sky.Distort Me.Bright Futures.Mouse-arazzi.Reflect My World.
    ...the mighty jungle.Into It.Cenicienta's Castle.I Ain't Gonna Miss You No More.Highlight Your Life.Life is but A Dream.

    First Photo Set

    These here are some of my photos posted on my Flickr account. I've been photographing since I was 12 and haven't stopped since; well maybe stopped a little but it's still going...where? I don't know but it's going somewhere, it's just a hobby. Flickr ZageGuy
    Sample pictures I've taken during my Disney College Program

    Mickey at the Animal Kingdom

    Goat Eyes
    There will be more photos to come from my account, little by little.

    Green out.

    Biology Class.

    Elodea Plant, one cool thing to look at under the Mic.
    It's hard showing up to a class that doesn't challenge me. This discourages me in actually showing up at all, the professor just reads everything off the power point and doesn't make the effort to explain the concepts that are a little hard to grasp. For me, I like it and so I can try to understand it on my own but she's just ridiculing herself up there because even anyone could probably "teach" it better. She's a nice lady with her Jamaican accent and all, but she needs to know that this isn't a high school class. I guess I'm ranting about this because I know I need to fully understand this, I get good grade in her class but it doesn't feel like I'm learning much new material. Anyway, I know many people out there have had a situation like this happen at one point. So now I go off to class only on two three days out of four: Mondays because we have the tests then, Tuesdays because I also have lab those days which is fun and with a different teacher, and Thursdays which is the same thing. I'd rather not go to class on Wednesdays and waste my time just reading the power point when I could just read the book.  Oh well, off to class now I guess.

    Here We Go...

      Venezuelan born and raised until 1999. Made the trip to the promised land; where now I am more American (in attitude) than Hispanic in my opinion. I'm sure many have gone through this change, drastic change. But I'm not here to tell some sad story about how this has dragged me down, I am here to lead some followers on my path towards the study of Environmental Science.
    Growing up in Venezuela, I had unlimited access to wonderful scenery and natural grandness. Here I am succumbed to concrete mazes of streets and gated communities. I see Environmental Science as a necessity, not a choice of study. I've always had the urge to explore and place myself in the observant position to my surroundings. I'm a young 20 years old and I know I've got a long way to go, I don't want to leave my youth behind so quickly but I do want to take on the challenge of an Environmental Career. 

    Now, for many who call this the "Tree-Hugger" career, well if it suits it up for you then that's fine but know that it is so much more than that. Stick around and you'll see from my point of view of Environmental Science is more than just science, it's our life.